The Stages Of REAL Change

With the early registration deadline for the HEADSPACE Seminar just on the horizon, I thought I’d take this opportunity to discuss the Stages of REAL Change. To those of you NOT attending my HEADSPACE Seminar, please do not bail on this blog post just yet: You can still learn something.

There are four REAL Stages of Change:

1). Clearing
2). Foundation
3). Framing
4). Finishing

Does it sound similar to a full-scale construction project?

It does and it is!

The FACT is that most people who “claim” to be self-improvement “experts,” are really nothing more than folks with ideas. Sadly, good ideas are worthless without implementation, and implementation is worthless without a specific plan of action.

There are lots of famous gurus out there – each selling his or her program that claims to change your life. At the end of the day, the only change is that you are now out hundreds of dollars. So I guess they kept their promise (LOL). If its that kind of change you’re looking for, then you won’t find it a my seminar.

There is a guru on the circuit who makes his living telling people that they are to blame for all their problems. Okay – that sound reasonable. But now that we know that each of us is potentially our own worst enemy, wouldn’t it then make sense to offer something more valuable in the way of a “correction” than simply telling the audience to “stop doing those dumb things”? That’s like telling a person with a weight issue to simply stop eating. No kidding. Really?

Every guru has their “super double secret” to happiness and success.

Some believe it’s all about The Law Of Attraction (popularized in the book, The Secret). Expect good things, and good things shall be yours. Expect love, and love will arrive. Expect wealth, and riches will be yours.

Is that how it works?

More often than not, that’s not the case. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t “expect” or that you shouldn’t be positive. You should. But there’s more to the picture. Additionally, success – happiness – prosperity are dependent on other factors.

To clear up your HEADSPACE issues, you must understand that the solution (a series of changes) has multiple components that must be implemented in a specific order – sort of like making a poop BEFORE taking a shower, rather than getting out of the shower and then making a poop.

To those of you who choose not to attend, I just want to make it known that there will be no manual for sale. This is a very note-intensive seminar. The HEADSPACE Seminar will make some people slightly uncomfortable – but not in a sweat lodge type of way. I won’t be telling you to swim the Amazon River as a means of proving to yourself that anything is possible. That’s not necessary, and for most people, that’s not realistic.

One final note: The more successful you become, the more detractors you attract. That’s just the way it is. My detractors are not familiar with my work, but have been quick to point out WHERE I obtained my knowledge. Now I have a choice: I can either “let it go” OR do my best to educate people who are clearly living in an internal world of hurt. So here it is: My information comes from (1) my education, (2) my research, (3) my experience, and (4) all the knowledge that I have absorbed by living on “The Dark Side.”


The Dark Side is a place where we are brutally honest. It’s a place where you might be hated for the truth, but prefer that over being loved for a lie. It’s a place where Dr. Marc tells you that ordering “a large cheese pizza with a diet coke” is not a form of weight loss. You see folks, “gurus” want to be popular. That means that they want to be liked. In contrast, the DARK LORD (me) does not care if he is liked. I’m not looking for new friends. I am looking to guide you in making REAL change.

Got it?


Click Here To Register For HEADSPACE!

Have A GREAT Day!

…Dr. Marc