Experts? I Don't Think So!

Nowadays, everyone is an expert. When I hear someone reference an “expert” in a particular field, the first question that comes to mind is, “Says who?”

More often than, what I’ve found is that the more someone screams about their expertise, the more questions I am forced to asked about their knowledge. “Experts” don’t like to be questioned about their coronation (as an “expert”), or asked  WHERE they obtained their knowledge. In fact, when I question someone’s expertise, I’m often met with a dirty look, which my family commonly refers to as “the stink eye.”

My own experience is that many of the “experts” who I’ve met in my travels, have – for lack of a better word, “borrowed” their information (and that’s being kind) from other sources. Not surprisingly, those other sources are also “experts” who are competing for the same audience. If all of that weren’t so sad, it would laughable.

I know a few individuals out there in “expert land” who are now claiming to be “experts” in social media – an ever-evolving field that changes from day to day. From my perspective, making a claim of expertise in social media is like someone telling me that he/she is an “expert” in the after-life. To make matters worse, many of the social media “experts” out there are gun shy when it comes to being part of the social media experience. They sit up in the top row of the bleachers without ever stepping foot on the field. In my world, that’s like saying that you’re a roller coaster “expert” – even though you don’t like – and don’t ride…err…roller coasters.

With the exception of health care, my preference is to seek out folks who have a lot of working knowledge in a particular field (or fields). I’m not looking for a person to have a degree in that field. In fact, I prefer that they have more “street-cred” than they do degrees, awards, and certificates.

Some of the biggest “experts” know the very least about their field. Funny how that works. That’s not to say that the “experts” aren’t popular. But the question you should be asking yourself is, “Am I going to trust someone’s popularity, or am I going to put my trust in knowledge?” The question you should be asking your “expert” is, “Are you just a guy with a blog, or is there REALLY something more?” Blogs have made many a person an “expert” – but not necessarily an “expert” who I’m willing to have navigate my future. How about you?

Have A GREAT Day!

…Dr. Marc