Confused OR Stupid?

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are confused when they make misstatements about me or my company. But sometimes you’ve got to wonder if it’s confusion or just plain old stupidity.

A certain individual suggested that my HEADSPACE Seminar was basically the Cliff Note version of one particular motivational guru’s information. I didn’t really get upset when I heard that (because it came from a chiropractor), but it just goes to show you how confused (or stupid) some folks can be when it comes to something as simple as reading the description of a seminar on a website.

If you know me, then you know that I don’t find my information from the shelves of bookstores or from audio programs. I have busted my hump to make the best connections, get the best education, and have the best information when it comes to communication and betterment. I have demonstrated this knowledge in every single one my seminars. I have even created terminology that is now utilized in a variety of professions.

The individual of mention, suggested that – because the title of one of the seminars I offer to those who hire me to speak (called UPSHIFT) is similar to a new title that was just released by a very well-known motivational guru, that my information MUST be…similar.

Let’s clear this up right here and now.

First, I have been offering the UPSHIFT Seminar since 2002 (May of 2002 to be precise). I can prove it. The UPSHIFT Seminar, like all of my other events, is catered to groups who don’t want to hear that “It’ll be okay…everything will be fine.” My UPSHIFT Seminar is for those who actually want to take hardcore information that “upshifts” them to a level of greater power and performance in terms of controlling their own life. I deliver REQUIREMENTS, notHey guys, here’s a few neat ideas!”

THEM: “Hey guys, it would be a good idea if you did…. Now give me a BIG hug.”

DARK LORD: “It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!”

Second, unlike certain motivational gurus – many for whom I have a great deal of respect, I do not include religion in my presentations. I understand that some gurus believe that religion and/or spirituality are important to success. I respect their right to share that belief, but I respectfully disagree with that position. I don’t believe that you have to welcome ANYONE or ANYTHING into your life in order to do better. That just doesn’t make sense to ME.

I know many religious folks who are struggling, and I know many wealthy folks who are atheists. My particular level or variety of religion is not important. It’s actually none of your business. What is your business is knowing from which direction I approach matters of success, and WHAT is included as the “fuel” in my HEADSPACE Seminar.

My seminars are the end product of absorbing and processing information for maximum results. My HEADSPACE Seminar will show you how to say what needs to be said in a way that makes things happen. It will show you how to operate better. It will show you how to make better decisions. It’s not a “How To Be A Better Communicator” program, or “How To Set Goals” program. There won’t be any shoulder rubbing, hugging, or mammoth crying sessions. No way. We all know that optimal communication and goal setting are important, but do you really need an entire weekend to understand that point? We’ll cover that stuff pretty quick and then move on to bigger and better obstacles.

Oh, and by the way, to succeed with my information, you don’t need to move to some strange land and have a mind-blowing transformational process that involves eating the fresh droppings (poop) of the ever-elusive Frooper – a rare bird who lives in the Himalayas, and whose droppings are said to cleanse the human mind and body. If that’s what you’re looking for, pay me a couple grand, and then come to my seminar and I’ll crap on a dish. I’ll even provide the silverware. Happy eats!

Everyone out there has a better success system, and everyone has a better marketing system. Great. I will never stand up and tell you that anyone else’s material is not good. That’s not true, and at the end of the day, the quality of someone else’s material is for you to decide. It’s always subjective.

What I will tell you is that (1) I believe that my material is the best, and (2) I guarantee you that mine IS NOT extracted from theirs. It’s not a repackaging or an outgrowth. I’m not saying that there won’t be some crossover here and there. For example, I will tell you that you need a plan before attempting to execute a task, and THEY will tell you that you need a plan before attempting to execute a task.

“Duh, Dr. Marc – see, what did I tell you? You copied them!!!”

Wrong stupid. We (they and I) both have a good idea, but it’s the implementation that really makes the difference. It’s HOW you go about creating the plan that’s important. See. Now don’t you feel foolish? Of course you do.

My recommendation is to embrace different success systems. Try them all, and then…when you’re just about burned out, check out THE DARK LORD.

You can put the best success system (marketing system, practice system, technique, etc.) into someones hands, but it will not make them successful UNLESS their underlying operating system is working correctly. My experience with a variety of professions and fields is that the correction of underlying issues is what makes everything work better. A solid foundation makes for a better home. A perfectly aligned automobile makes for a better driving experience. A structurally-correct spine makes for optimal performance. Get it? GOOD!

Anyone who accuses me of “borrowing” from someone else should MAN-UP and prove it. Stop being such a sissy. Say it to my face. I can prove what I’m saying. Can you? The people who make false claims are typically cut from the same cloth. These folks may make money, but if you pull back the curtain, what you end up with is a two-bit con man with the personality of a game show host. These con-artists jump from system to system…from plan to plan…from get-rich scheme to get-rich scheme. They are scum. They BS their way through people’s wallets.

Are these scum just confused? I don’t think so.

What do YOU think?

Have A GREAT Day!

…Dr. Marc – The DARK LORD